
Showing posts from October, 2021

Thursday, October 28th, 2021

  This week we have been learning about adjectives and using them in our writing.  All students drew a "Monster" and wrote a descriptive paragraph about it.  Some were mean and scary, and some were cute and cuddly! In Science, we did an experiment to explore objects that were translucent, transparent, and opaque.  We made predictions and then shone flashlights on the objects.  Opaque objects let no light through, transparent objects let all the light through, and translucent objects let only some light through.   In Social Studies, we have started exploring the various regions in Alberta.  We coloured a map and read an introduction to these regions in our textbook. We are finishing up our Haunted House Array projects in Math.  Students made a spooky looking scene that included at least two arrays.  Next they wrote out the multiplication, division, and repeated addition equations to match the arrays. Students may wear their Halloween costumes on Friday!   From our admin:  Cost

Monday, October 25th

  This morning, we did some creative writing in L.A. with a fun Halloween themed writing prompt. In Science, we discussed the findings of our shadow experiment from last week.  (We traced the position of our shadow three times during the day).  We discovered that our shadow moved from left to right--just like the hands of a clock!  We watched some videos and learned more about shadows and sundials.   Today students had Phys Ed with Ms. Sterne.  They are continuing a unit in Badminton. In Math, we continue to explore fact families and the connection between multiplication and division.  Today we started a fun "Haunted House Array" project that combines Math and Art. Students may wear their Halloween costumes on Friday!   From our admin:  Costumes need to be school appropriate and NO props please (no swords, lightsabers, etc.)

Friday October 15th

 No School on Monday, Picture Day on Tuesday! During the second half of this week, we have been exploring mapping in Social Studies.  We made a compass rose and labelled directions and then started a map of the classroom (including a compass and legend). In Science, we explored shadows in the classroom.  We used objects and flashlights to trace shadows.  Then we change the light distance and angle to see how it would affect the shadow.  We found out why our shadows outside change depending on the sun placement in the sky. In Mathematics, students continue to show me what they know about place value and ordering multi-digit numbers. In Language Arts, we started discussing Visualization (what we see and think about when we read).  We drew a picture to go with the story "Swimmy." On Friday we watched a video and drew a really neat "Fall Tree."  Many students found the video a little tricky but we tried hard to be optimistic and persevere !

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

  Hello families! My name is Mrs. Karr and I will be the Room 11 teacher until Mr. Fisher returns.  I know this may be a difficult transition.  Please know that I love teaching grade 4 and I am committed to supporting all students! This morning we had an "introduction to Mrs. Karr" slideshow where students guessed many things about me (my favourite colour, food, if I have any pets, children, etc.)  What an observant class!  The grade 4's were able to correctly guess many things about me.  Each student had time to share what things they had in common with me, or things that were different. In Math, students showed me how they used cards or dice to represent multi-digit numbers in standard and expanded form as well as drawing base ten blocks.  In the afternoon, we also played the Fraction Bingo game. In Language Arts, students explained to me what is happening in the novel "The Cats of Tanglewood Forest."  We wrote a summary of the book so far.  Then I read a coup

Oct. 7 and Important Update!

 Good afternoon, Today we learned a new math game in the morning. It's called SNAKE. We had lots of fun.  We had morning gym. We played dodgeball in the gym.  We read our novel after recess.  We watched a Pixar short called, Partly Cloudy. We talked about being a good friend and did some writing about what we look for in a friend.  We read a story before lunch.  This afternoon, we did reading. We played a fraction game after recess.  We did Mathletics or Raz Kids to end the day.  Important Update, I will be taking a medical leave beginning next week. I will be away starting Oct. 12th and return after the winter break. Mr. Hebert is in the process of placing a temporary teacher. They are expected to be hired shortly.  I spoke to the students this afternoon. I will miss them dearly while I am away, but I know that the BHS community will care for them in my absence.  I am looking forward to my return!  Have a great long weekend!